CUDOS - Matching students with Support Workers.
A secure ALL PLATFORM system which has the capacity to hold thousands of student and Support Worker records and can be tailored to suit the needs of your department.
CUDOS matches students with Support Workers based on support type, location and timetable. CUDOS stores the information electronically and contains built in features which allow officers to quickly search for previous matches. This not only creates a huge time saving but also helps contributes to paper free offices.
Entering the Support Worker availability allows the system to identify who is available to support new students. I for any reason a paper timesheet is used, the Support Worker can upload these and they can be sent to the funding body electronically.

After adding their timesheets, Support Workers can track them by logging into the system and resending them to students if required. If for any reason a paper timesheet is needed, the Support Worker can upload these and they can be sent to the funding body electronically.

Invoicing can be programmed so it is automated or generated by an officer. CUDOS can confirm the monetary values of the invoices and also state how many invoices are ready to be despatched at any given time. The system states how many timesheets are included per invoice run, as well as the total amounts invoiced, total VAT, and the charge rates, pay rates, gross and net figures.

CUDOS collates the values of the e-timesheets and calculates each Support Workers pay. The basic salaries, holiday pay and total gross values are calculated using these figures. The percentage profit from each role and Support Worker can also be monitored. Payroll frequency can be determined by the system officer. The figures can be imported to a spreadsheet.

CUDOS was accepted by SLC in September 2014 for use with electronic invoicing.
CUDOS matches students with Support Workers based on support type, location and timetable. CUDOS also has the ability to store information electronically and search back to find previous matches more readily and easily as well as having paper-free offices.
Right to Work and NMH audit information such as NI and passport numbers, DBS and qualifications are all held on the system. This is particularly important when preparing for DSA QAG audits.
Monetary values such as hourly pay, holiday accrual and total monthly pay are held on the system ready to import to payroll each month.
CUDOS keeps a record of the total hours allocated and how these hours are drawn down through the academic year. The system also tracks DNAs and short notice cancellations.
Creation and submission of timesheets is fully electronic. Authorisation and payment is a seamless process which can be accessed remotely by smart phone, tablet or computer.
CUDOS is fully functional across all devices and operating systems; desktop PCs, laptops, tablets and smart phones.
At the point of installation, CUDOS is tailored to the specific requirements of your institution and can be integrated into existing back office software.
Comprehensive training provided for all users.

For your peace of mind, the CUDOS support team are on hand to provide help, advice and technical support during business hours.
We provide support in a number of ways. Primarily, technical support is operated online via a ticket system. Users can create an unlimited number of tickets and determine which tickets need immediate attention by assigning them as urgent, high, medium or low priority. Users receive notices via email when ticket replies are posted, meaning you can easily track where your enquiry is up to.
We also have a dedicated phone line for users who would prefer to speak to someone in the CUDOS department rather than emailing.
The CUDOS secure server hosting ensures all data is fully protected in line with our ISO 27001 certification. CUDOS is built on an ORM/MVC object orientated platform which utilises modern, current techniques and methods to prevent all known vulnerabilities.
Remote code execution protection ensures the software is not accessible directly by manipulating or running a script, which could compromise the CUDOS system. CUDOS restricts characters it allows in URI strings in order to help minimize the possibility that malicious data can be passed to the application. Advanced error reporting prevents errors from being rendered as output.
XSS filtering: Cross site scripting hack prevention filter to filter all data that is encountered. The XSS filter looks for commonly used techniques to trigger Javascript or other types of code that attempt to hijack cookies or do other malicious things. If anything disallowed is encountered it is rendered safe by converting the data to character entities.
Active record database access method provides safer database queries and prevents SQL Injection as all values are escaped automatically by the software. All user passwords are one way encrypted using military grade encryption methods. CUDOS enforces a strong password policy.
To request a CUDOS demonstration, please email: [email protected]